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Train with Tina

This is perfect for those who:

  • Want to build a stronger physique (Pull ups, hip thrusts etc!!) and tone up.

  • Want to build confidence in their body and never hate what they see in the mirror again.

  • Want to start finally seeing progress.

  • Never want to second guess what you're doing in the gym.

  • Rid the dull aches and pains.

  • Feel more energised and fitter.


Personalised Training Programme with support and guidance all the way.

The programme

The Training Programme

Choose from 3 day or 5 day per week training programme

  • 3 Days = 3 Full body workouts

  • 5 Days = 3 Lowers and 2 Upper (If you want to do 4 days, take out one of the lower days)

  • Access to a gym is necessary

You will be given an email invite to the Tidefitness app where you will access your programme!


On-Going Support Via with me and through the clients only FB Group

You will get access to our private Facebook Group where we have a community of strong women supporting one another and access to on-going coaching from me. This is also where I provide feedback on your form and answer any questions you have!


On-Going Nutrition and Coaching

In the Facebook group for clients only, I provide nutritional education and recipe inspiration. I also provide coaching, motivation and education.

My Clients Say

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"Tina couldn’t be more supportive, patient and motivating.  I have been lifting weights I never thought I would have without her careful guidance, particularly with a shoulder impingement.  Tina has been careful to ensure my exercises will encourage strength where it has been lost through my impingement without compromising on technique or putting my progress back! "


Want to know more? Let's talk!

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