Train with Tina
This is perfect for those who:
Want to build a stronger physique (Pull ups, hip thrusts etc!!) and tone up.
Want to build confidence in their body and never hate what they see in the mirror again.
Want to start finally seeing progress.
Never want to second guess what you're doing in the gym.
Rid the dull aches and pains.
Feel more energised and fitter.
Personalised Training Programme with support and guidance all the way.
The programme
The Training Programme
Choose from 3 day or 5 day per week training programme
3 Days = 3 Full body workouts
5 Days = 3 Lowers and 2 Upper (If you want to do 4 days, take out one of the lower days)
Access to a gym is necessary
You will be given an email invite to the Tidefitness app where you will access your programme!
On-Going Support Via with me and through the clients only FB Group
You will get access to our private Facebook Group where we have a community of strong women supporting one another and access to on-going coaching from me. This is also where I provide feedback on your form and answer any questions you have!
On-Going Nutrition and Coaching
In the Facebook group for clients only, I provide nutritional education and recipe inspiration. I also provide coaching, motivation and education.