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to suit you


For women who are passionate about getting crazy strong in the gym!


In get strong I want to help you:

  • Get 1-10 Pull Ups

  • Squat 1.25x your body weight+

  • Hip Thrust 150kg +

  • Bench Press 75% your body weight+

  • Deadlift 1.5x your body weight+


This is a monthly rolling program (no contract), at £40 a month as I appreciate it takes around 3-6 months to start building strength up and I wanted to make a service to help gain that strength at an affordable price.


I created the plan not wanting you to spend hours in the gym. You go in motivated and ready, and you walk out feeling great. Done within 45mins-1 hour max. Usually I make 3-5 workouts for you to do a week, depending on you.


What happens when we get started:

  • We first set strength goals together, we decide on 2 lift goals you want to hit first.

  • We discuss how long you can commit to each session if it as 45mins-1 hr. Then how many times a week you want to train. I also take into account your training experience and will teach you how to lift new exercises.

  • I create your training plan within 48 hours MAX. You get access to my app where your workout is stored, you track your weights in the app.

  • You get to train whenever suits you, with a game plan in place and no more second guessing yourself as I am always a message away to help!

Get In Contact

Are you ready to start a strenth training plan?
Would you agree you would getter better results led by a professional than on your own?

Get Strong Program

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and get stronger.


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