to suit you
For women who are passionate about getting crazy strong in the gym!
In get strong I want to help you:
Get 1-10 Pull Ups
Squat 1.25x your body weight+
Hip Thrust 150kg +
Bench Press 75% your body weight+
Deadlift 1.5x your body weight+
This is a monthly rolling program (no contract), at £40 a month as I appreciate it takes around 3-6 months to start building strength up and I wanted to make a service to help gain that strength at an affordable price.
I created the plan not wanting you to spend hours in the gym. You go in motivated and ready, and you walk out feeling great. Done within 45mins-1 hour max. Usually I make 3-5 workouts for you to do a week, depending on you.
What happens when we get started:
We first set strength goals together, we decide on 2 lift goals you want to hit first.
We discuss how long you can commit to each session if it as 45mins-1 hr. Then how many times a week you want to train. I also take into account your training experience and will teach you how to lift new exercises.
I create your training plan within 48 hours MAX. You get access to my app where your workout is stored, you track your weights in the app.
You get to train whenever suits you, with a game plan in place and no more second guessing yourself as I am always a message away to help!
Get Strong Program
and get stronger.